It’s Sunday – the big Big Brother night – and to get you up to speed on the hits, misses, horrors and highlights of the week that was, here’s our BB expert Olivia Babb.
Big Brother had left us in a cliffhanger, with Angelicious evicted to the bunker unbeknownst to the housemates.
This week Ange is in a gamer’s dream room: she feels like I do when I play Sims. Like a God.
In Ange’s words: Karma is a bitch. And her first task from BB is to choose who gets picked in the daily task where every housemate must say ‘Yes’ to everything so they can get a sponsored KFC feast.
Dan is excitedly saying this is the best day of his life, and I really think he believes it.
No surprise, he is picked first by Ange for a challenge. BB calls him to the diary room and a Sherrin football is sitting there. He is told by BB he has to kick it over the fence immediately. I’m as surprised as the AFL that he managed to kick it over the fence.
Kieran has to eat a bowl of broccoli and the sounds and camera zooms of it is enough to put anyone off broccoli for good.
Ange and Big Brother call in Matt three times for a spray tan. They play an introduction to him being from Broken Hill and how it makes him loyal and a true bloke. By the end of the tans, he is looking like he could audition for Willy Wonka’s factory. The wig would suit his bald head, too.
The challenge comes and Zoe and Sophie win, Zoe railroads the nominations and ‘together’ they out up Kieran, Marissa and Ian. They claim Ian is the safe bet and he reiterates that to Big Brother in the diary room later — believing he is the swing vote to get Kieran out.

Ange has other plans and beckons Garth in secret to her bunker and convinces him with promises of loyalty to vote Ian out. He is a threat and she is sick of people who wont win being evicted.
Garth herds the sheep and they all agree – minus the squad of Dan, Zoe, Xavier and Matt – to vote Ian out. He looks sad and blindsided. It is sad, but it’s a game and Ange reminds them it’s time they start playing it.
The next day, Garth is feeling all powerfull because he steered the vote to out Ian. The joke’s on him because Ange is back and she wants him out.
The squad has superiority issues and it looks like none of them got the memo that this is Big Brother, not Home and Away. They’re annoyed that the real threats are being evicted and not the ones they find annoying to live with.
When letters from home arrive, Shane is called in to receive them. Is he a new housemate? Did he arrive last night? I have no idea who he is but he is crying and telling the camera he is here to win the money for his family. He might just win it if he keeps hiding in the bathroom all season.
Challenge night brings Zoe another win and this time she schemes with the squad and they put Dan and Shane up against Garth so everyone has to vote for Garth. He is petrified and is backtracking to everyone trying to regroup. No one is here for it, Matt reminds us he is from Broken Hill, and he is loyal.
Garth gets eliminated with a massive 12 votes. His parting gift – “I was in the bunker!”. Ange looks around hoping no one is smart enough to put two and two together. Fortunately, the house is full of Instagram models and they don’t.
Wednesday’s show starts with a montage of the girls in the bathroom while the guys discuss how they need to do number 2 but can’t in front of the girls. Big Brother catches on and the next day gives an announcement that the girls are spending up to 5 hours a day in the bathroom.
Privileges have been lost and now the girls have one pass each and the guys have two hours of unlimited hot water and pamper time.
This week’s shopping task is to be storm chasers: they need to fill up the water tank and it’s honestly not as difficult as Big Brother could have made it. I’m disappointed. The housemates endlessly complain about it being freezing, but considering other seasons had near starvation tasks it could be upped a level.
The secret challenge is to make Chad do 12 kilometres of steps. He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed so he should win. However Sophie is an even less sharp tool and she tells him she’s trying to get his step count up.
Sophie spends the next hour crying to Chad about how she wants to go home. Honestly, I would cry if i was that dim too.
The weeks final challenge comes and its balancing a ball on a scale, Marissa takes it out and nominates Zoe, Mat and Xavier. Finally someone puts up three of the squad.
Sonia and Mat get into it at the elimination circle; he blames Sonia for pointing out he hadn’t been nominated yet. All three of those nominated are shocked they could go and none of them scrambled to stay in. Confidence is oozing like bad B.O from each of them.

It’s time to go … Zoe. She is not happy she got kicked out before Kieran and tells the camera in her taxi home that the house made a mistake.
It might be time for some of the faces we don’t know to get some more camera time.